Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Anna Nicole Smith's Love Child

This tip comes from Stephen in Toronto. I had seen the news, but it all seemed too weird to add here. You'll see why...

The Phoenix New Times reports that Anna Nicole Smith has a secret son, pictured above. Marshall Black Dear Soto is the love child of Anna Nicole Smith and Johnny Soto, a "result of a torrid love affair between himself and the 42DD femme fatale in early 2001, while Smith was vacationing at Paradise Valley's Sanctuary Resort and Spa. He has the birth certificate and other documents to prove it. If they hold up in court, and he's able to establish little Marshall's lineage through DNA, Soto, his son, and the entire Tohono O'odham tribe stand to cash in big time."

Some excerpts selected by Stephen:

Mama je'e went to heaven, mo'okwad," Soto gently informs his son. "Mama je'e watches us from the sky. Like Peanut," he says, referring to a family dog attacked and eaten by a pack of coyotes months back. "Peanut went bye-bye," the 5-year-old mutters, sniffling...

I remember, one time she met us close to Christmas and gave us presents while Stern played slots in the Casino," Soto recalls. "She gave Marshall an Indian play doll, with a teepee and a horse. That was okay. But then she gave me an old Cher CD. Remember that one from the '70s, Half-Breed? She said it was one of her favorite songs, and could I play it for Marshall. I kept thinking, 'How dumb is this woman?'

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